Australia's ageing population faces healthcare issues due to increased life expectancy and decreased fertility rates. SugaScan is a noninvasive and easy-to-use instrument that helps diabetics monitor their blood sugar levels accurately. This innovative technology is especially important for seniors, who can manage their diabetes more effectively and improve their overall quality of life. The SugaScan is user-friendly, portable, and can be used in various settings, making it a practical tool for diabetics of all ages. It's a significant development in diabetes management that can help Australia's ageing population take control of their health and wellbeing.​​​​​​​
Design Problem
A person's blood sugar level can be accurately monitored with market-standard monitoring devices with improved design. A major drawback of monitoring a user's blood sugar level is the need for space to place the monitor and strips. Additionally, the user should ensure that their hands are clean before monitoring their sugar levels, since the procedure involves piercing the skin, which may cause an infection. Currently, most devices require users to transfer blood from their fingers to strips, making them unsuitable for people with limited dexterity. Using the SugaScan device, users can not only monitor their glucose levels in a hygienic manner, but also scan them with one hand using a technology called infrared spectroscopy.  
How It Works
To activate SugaScan, user's place the device between their index finger and thumb. The SugaScan uses infrared technology to transmit radio waves through a specific human body section, such as the area between the thumb and index finger. The device's opposite-side sensor receives these signals and analyzes the data about the blood's response within the tissue. Upon completion of the scan, the device presents the results and automatically stores the information in the SugaScan app.​​​​​​​

SugaScan consists of the following components:
Results: Categorised from time to day, week and month, Form, Level of risk table, PDF file 
About the User: Name, Age, Gender and Contact Email, Medication records
Settings: Battery Percentage, Volume Control, Bluetooth Alert 
Help Section: Frequently Asked Questions, Doctor’s Information, Terms and Conditions, Language Setting, Report a problem

An example of how the SugaScan App works can be found in the video below 

WideVision+ 2018 Showcase 
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